Aka "Oceanside 70.3 w Dad"
SWIM: changed to an easy harbour swim and favoured me greatly. washing machine but ended up coming out in another fast time, testament to my efforts in the swimming pool.
1.9k - 33mins 43secs
BIKE: tough tough bike course, not expecting that.. smooth roads of the usa makes a nice and quick course but when you add 3 hills that are 1km long at 12% incline it’s not so fast. doesn’t help that i run 1x12 one loop course made it nice and lonely at points, points where i felt the demons slowly coming forward. overall good bike split for the course.
90k - 2hrs 39mins 38secs
RUN: emotions running high after seeing dad at the t2 exit and made a nice 3:30/km split after that. then realised i had to calm tf down. then Taylor Knibb decided to run behind/next to me for about 1.5-2km and brought all the spectator energy everyone was cheering for her but i imagine it was for me. not a fast course due to some hills but amazing scenery and energy.. finished with a 4min/km average, not my fastest but definitely maximum effort after the bike course.
21.1k - 1hr 24mins 57 secs
TOTAL TIME - 4hrs 46mins 40secs 7th out of 92 in 18-24 Age Group
Overall good day, 7th wasn’t what i was hoping for but it just means i need to be faster.. Swim, bike and run... I’m glad i have sorted my nutrition plan and no longer have GI issues… amazing to be with my dad and share a litre can of beer after with him.. Definitely worth the long haul to the states, to see dad and also do some training and race..